Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Youth and Sports Minister , Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Mawlad, met in Sana’a with the national junior team delegation.

During the meeting, attended by Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Nabih Abu Shusa’a, Undersecretary of the Sports Sector Ali Hadban, and Executive Director of the Youth Welfare Fund Abdul Hamid Al-Maghrabi, Minister Al-Mulad emphasized that Yemen’s youth and athletes are naturally creative, distinguished in all circumstances and conditions, have a living will, are unbreakable, and are not deterred by storms, nor discouraged by adversities, nor limit their giving by difficulties.

Abu Shusa’a urged the technical and administrative staff and the players of the junior team to prove their preference and outstanding level, through their giving and practical response in the fields of the upcoming competitions.

For their part, Rajeh Al-Qadami, head of the Football Federation branch in capital, and Captain Abdul-Raqeeb Al-Adini, director of the junior national team, praised the support and care of the Y
outh and Sports Ministry’s leadership and its constant interaction with everything that would serve the national teams and Yemeni sports in general.

Source: Yemen News Agency