Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Youth and Sports Minister in the caretaker government, Muhammad Hussein Al-Muaydi, granted official recognition to the Al-Majd Sports, Cultural and Social Club in Al-Khabt District, Al-Mahwit Province.

The club was granted the official recognition certificate, after fulfilling the conditions for granting recognition, in accordance with the clubs’ bylaws, and after the end of the legal period for granting the club temporary recognition, and the club’s practice of implementing football, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, and chess activities, in addition to practicing a number of cultural and social activities.

While club president Ahmed Khaloufah thanked Youth and Sports Minister for his trust and granting the club a certificate of official recognition, stressing the club’s management’s keenness to carry out its tasks , duties, and its endeavor to create all possible conditions to enhance the club’s role in serving society , the nation, and to raise the performance level of its sports, cultural and social

It is worth noting that the number of Al Mahwit province clubs officially recognized so far is 15 clubs.

Source: Yemen News Agency