Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Ministry of Youth and Sports, represented by the General Administration of Cultural and Social Activities in the Youth Sector, organized on Friday a tourist trip for the national youth team to the historic Dar Al-Hajar Palace in the vicinity of the capital, Sana’a.

During the visit, members of the team and the technical and administrative staff toured the palace’s sections, learned about its components, and listened to an explanation from the tour guide of the house, Ahmed Saif, about the tourist landmark, which is considered one of the most prominent tourist attractions, as well as the most prominent historical stages that the house has gone through since its construction by the Himyarites in 3000 BC.

The Director of Cultural and Social Activities, Dr. Muhammad Hajj, stressed the importance of strengthening fraternal ties among the youth of the country.

He pointed out that this geographical diversity in the formation of the national youth team, and their meeting in their training camp in the capital,
Sana’a, embodies the truth of the cohesion of the people of Yemen and the sublimity of their national unity.

Hajj expressed the pride of the Yemenis in supporting the central cause of the nation , the steadfastness of their honest position, and their standing with the brothers in Palestine to confront the American-British-Israeli enemy.

He pointed to the Yemeni youth role and their responsibilities in confronting the conspiracies targeting them, their homeland and their nation.

Source: Yemen News Agency