Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Judge Ahmed Ali al-Shahari, head of Yemen’s Judicial Inspection Authority, on Tuesday conducted a detailed inspection of judicial operations and discipline levels in Amran province.

The visit included a comprehensive meeting at the Court of Appeal, chaired by Judge Al-Shahari, focusing on evaluating the judiciary’s performance across the governorate and district levels.

Discussions centered on judicial discipline, job performance, and the closure of judicial records from the previous year, aligning them with the electronic judicial system.

During the visit, Judge al-Shahari received updates from Judge Abdulkarim al-Shami, President of the Court of Appeal, and Judge Abdul Bari Al-Wazir, Chief Prosecutor of the Governor’s Appeals Prosecution, regarding ongoing efforts and plans for the upcoming judicial year. They emphasized the motivating effect of field visits on judiciary members and highlighted achievements from the previous year, with plans outlined to expedite pending cases across all court levels.

dge al-Shahari commended the dedication of judges and staff in Amran’s courts and prosecution offices and conveyed congratulations from the Supreme Judicial Council for the new judicial and Hijri year. He urged intensified efforts, emphasizing religious, national, and moral responsibilities in overcoming challenges and expediting judicial proceedings.

Highlighting the importance of swift adjudication for all cases, Judge al-Shahari stressed the need for coordinated efforts and cooperation among courts and prosecution offices to ensure timely justice and fairness. He also underscored the commitment of Yemen’s Revolutionary Leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the Judicial Council to support the judiciary with necessary resources.

Court Chairmen and judges expressed appreciation for the oversight visit, affirming its role in enhancing operational efficiency and raising performance standards within the judiciary.

Source: Yemen News Agency