Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Yemeni Women’s Union, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and the General Administration for Family Protection, has launched the distribution of economic empowerment bags as part of the Comprehensive Access to Justice Project.

This initiative aims to reintegrate released individuals into society by providing them with the necessary tools and support for economic self-sufficiency.

Fatima Mashhour, head of the Studies and Research Department at the Yemeni Women’s Union, highlighted the project’s efforts to assess the needs of the released individuals and empower them economically, thus helping them become productive members of society.

The initiative includes support for 20 beneficiaries in various fields such as mobile maintenance, programming, confectionery, food carts, and more.

Judge Khaled al-Baghdadi from the Ministry of Justice emphasized the project’s positive impact on enhancing the legal, social, and economic protection of vulnerable groups.

A legal empowerment guide was prepared t
o coordinate efforts between government agencies and civil society organizations.

The project also involved training workshops for legal support service providers and prison staff to improve their efficiency in dealing with prisoners and reintegrating released individuals.

The initiative also included providing free legal aid services to over 350 vulnerable individuals and logistical support to women’s litigation units in the West and East Courts of the Capital Sana’a.

Judge al-Baghdadi stressed the importance of sustaining these efforts and ensuring vulnerable groups have equal access to justice.

Dr. Ibtisam al-Mutawakel from the Ministry of Interior, project facilitator Moath al-Sharafi, and Yahya al-Haddad from the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs highlighted the significance of such initiatives in addressing the needs of vulnerable groups and preventing crime.

They emphasized the collaborative efforts between various ministries and organizations to support and integrate these individuals into

Suad al-Hazwara, Director of the Comprehensive Access to Justice Project, reviewed the project’s achievements and its ongoing support for vulnerable groups.

Source: Yemen News Agency