Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The blessed Yemeni unity that was achieved on May 22, 1990, emerged as the greatest historical achievement not only at the level of Yemen, but also at the level of the region and the world, thanks to the sacrifices of Yemenis from the north, south, east and west of the country, who contributed to making this greatest event.

The wisdom of the Yemenis was demonstrated and the greatness of the Yemeni will was embodied in re-achieving unity after the Yemeni people had suffered the bitterness of fragmentation, division for decades due to foreign interference in Yemeni affairs and their continued support for projects of division and stoking the fire of strife and conflict between the people of Yemen and deepening their differences.

Unity was a dream of the ancestors and successive generations, but the projects of the dark forces at that time made Yemen weak and torn apart, and they were greater than the project of the unified state, which all Yemenis struggled to achieve and sacrificed dearly and preciously to d
raw the map of the great homeland and restore its glories, status, presence, and role in supporting the nation’s issues, the most prominent of which are The Palestinian cause.

Despite the mistakes and transgressions that have accompanied the unified state since May 22, 1990, the unified state is innocent of what happened, and cannot be blamed for the problem of what is happening, especially as there are reasons and factors influencing this, the most prominent of which is the external interference that has flooded Yemen with problems and conflicts motivated by greed, grudges, and settling scores. .

Perhaps the continuation of external interference in Yemeni affairs for a long time was clearly evident in the launch of the war on Yemen on March 26, 2015, following the success of the revolution of September 21, 2014, led by the leader of the nation, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, who was able to liberate the Yemeni sovereign decision from the forces of hegemony. And global arrogance, led by America, Bri
tain, the Zionist entity, and its tools in the region.

The forces of evil and tyranny did not realize that their drawn-up plans to tear Yemen apart would fail, as they had failed before, despite spending huge amounts of money on their agents to implement their narrow agenda. However, they may have absorbed the lessons that the Yemenis recorded and are still facing an international coalition led by America, Britain, the Zionist entity, and its tools, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for more than For nine years, they experienced the bitterness of defeat and became certain that Yemen, past, present and future, would remain a graveyard for invaders.

Today, after 34 years of re-establishing unity, and nine years of aggression and occupation, the people of the southern and eastern governorates are living in a state of chaos, lack of security and stability, absence of services, deteriorating living conditions and worsening human suffering. The ambitions of the new occupiers and their plans to plunder Yemen’s wealth and
resources have come to the fore.

What is worse is that the Saudi-Emirati occupation forces have recruited gangs and militias that carry out acts of killing, kidnapping, assassination, arrest, raiding homes, violating women, committing crimes against citizens, throwing those who oppose them into secret prisons belonging to them, and practicing the most severe types of torture. People have become afraid for their lives and are threatened with the loss of their lives and honor.

In light of the internal dangers to which the unity is exposed, with external support in an attempt to turn the wheel of history backwards, the faith responsibility and the national and unifying interest of the Yemeni people remain in their blessed unity, according to the leader of the nation, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

In his speech on Thursday regarding the latest developments in the Zionist aggression against Gaza and regional developments, Mr. Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stressed that unity reminds the Yemeni peopl
e of what they should be, considering that this is consistent with their faith identity.

He said, “In light of the circumstances that the Yemeni people are suffering and have suffered as a result of the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression, which resulted in the occupation of large parts of the country and the Americans, Saudis, and Emirati building formations against the people, the homeland, and unity.”

The Leader of the Revolution reiterated that the coalition of aggression against the homeland created hostile formations and sought to sow discord among the Yemeni people, with racist, sectarian, regional, political and social slogans, expressing regret at the response of some inside the country to foreign efforts to tear the country apart out of greed, while others out of grudges and grudges, and settling their accounts with external support. .

He went on to say: “What is consistent with the faith identity and embodies the true interest of our dear people is their unity and cooperation and addressing any pr
oblems and grievances with justice, fairness and understanding and on the principle of national partnership in a way that benefits the Yemeni people and their interests.”

Unity will remain as long as Greater Yemen remains, and the Saudi-Emirati occupation forces and their loyal gangs will not be able to harm it because they realize that unity is deeply rooted in the conscience of millions of Yemenis and rooted in their souls, and that the time of division is over and has no place anymore.

Source: Yemen News Agency