Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Republic of Yemen condemns in the strongest terms the continuation of genocide in the Gaza Strip and the aggression against many cities and camps in the West Bank in flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law.

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Ambassador Wahid Al-Shami, stressed that the continuation of the Zionist killing machine in the extermination of the Palestinian people in Gaza comes in light of the fading of the Arab voice and the increasing American support, which encouraged this entity to expand its crimes, which are deplorable to humanity and unprecedented in history, pointing out that the escalation in the West Bank threatens to undermine security and peace in the region and the world.

He pointed out that the international community, which pays lip service to human rights and lectures others about them, has not moved a finger about what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories, while it evaluates the world an
d does not stop it if a single crime is committed elsewhere in the world, which reflects double standards and the hypocrisy of the international community.

The Spokesman called on the international community and the Security Council to condemn the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people and to pressure to stop the aggression and blockade imposed on Gaza and to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which is the longest occupation in modern times.

He also called on Arab and Islamic countries to assume their role and moral responsibility to support the Palestinian people.

He reiterated the support of the leadership, Government and people of the Republic of Yemen with the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for the establishment of their independent State on their national soil with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

Source: Yemen News Agency