Workshop on agricultural water conservation kicks off

In an endeavor to foster sustainable practices in agriculture, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation Monday initiated the first workshop for the national action plan for water conservation in agriculture. The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jihad Mahameed, elucidated on the purpose of these workshops during the inauguration. He emphasized their role in identifying and addressing the challenges that hinder water conservation within the agricultural sector. In doing so, they lay the groundwork for the national action plan for water conservation in agriculture, a pivotal element in achieving food security, he added. Mahameed highlighted several daunting challenges the sector grapples with, including a widening demand-supply gap, climate change, population growth, among other factors. He indicated that these hurdles have precipitated a decline in the annual per capita water allocation to 61 cubic meters per year. In response to these challenges, Mahameed shed light on the strategic plan for 2023-2040 launched by the Ministry. The plan aims to preserve water resources, augment water supply through non-conventional sources such as the national carrier project, which is slated to deliver 300 million cubic meters of water and considerably expand wastewater treatment for irrigation reuse. Furthermore, the strategic plan envisions enhancing supply efficiency for potable water, meeting the water needs for industrial, agricultural and tourism investments, building efficient management to mitigate climate change effects, curbing groundwater depletion, and establishing governance within the sector. Mahameed also expressed gratitude for the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). He urged all stakeholders to pool their efforts towards formulating and implementing a national plan for water conservation in agriculture, with the goal of elevating the sector’s efficiency. Among those present at the inauguration were Frank O’Brien, the Director of the Water Conservation Project funded by USAID, as well as representatives from governmental and academic institutions, the private sector and farming communities.

Source: Jordan News Agency