Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

HAJJAH – SABA: The Women’s Authority In Hajjah province on Friday organized a series of cultural events to commemorate the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth.

The celebrations took place across various districts, including Beit al-Shabari, al-Mahsub, and Bani Badr, among others.

The activities highlighted the significance of honoring the Prophet’s life and teachings.

Participants emphasized the pivotal role of Muslim women in upholding and celebrating the Prophet’s legacy, reflecting on his virtues and the deep connection between the community and the Final Prophet.

Speeches and presentations during the events reviewed the Prophet’s exemplary life and stressed the importance of following his example to strengthen faith and Quranic values.

The gatherings aimed to reinforce devotion and adherence to the Prophet’s teachings, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual renewal.

Source: Yemen News Agency