Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

LONDON, Israeli aggression deliberately used water as weapon of war against Palestinians in Gaza, Oxfam said on Thursday.

The Nairobi-based NGO warned in a report “Water War Crimes” that the Israeli aggression actions, cutting off external water supplies, systematic destruction of water facilities along with deliberate hindrance of aid, led to 94 percent decrease in water in Gaza.

Oxfam analysis found that the act dangerously reduced water availability per person to nearly four liters, slightly less than third of the recommended minimum in emergency.

The report showed that Gaza has lost almost all of its water production capacity, with 88 percent of water wells damaged or destroyed, along with all desalination plants.

Infrastructure destruction, electricity restrictions and limit on spare parts and fuel resulted in 84 percent decline in water production in the region, while external supplies through the Israeli-controlled water company Mekorot fell by 78 percent.

Additionally, Oxfam detailed that Israel
destroyed major water quality testing laboratories and restricted entry of Oxfam’s water testing equipment.

Severe shortages of clean water and sewage facilities adversely affected the health of Palestinians in Gaza, where a quarter of the population suffer from preventable diseases exacerbated by these conditions.

Oxfam is an international confederation of independent charitable organizations, founded in London in 1942, focusing on the alleviation of global poverty.

Source: Kuwait News Agency