Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The management and employees of the Local Water and Sanitation Corporation in Hajjah has organized a protest to denounce the Israeli enemy’s targeting of civilian objects in Hodeida province and to express support for the revolutionary leadership’s decisions.

Province center district Eng. Issam al-Wazzan and other departmental heads, condemned the attacks on oil derivatives tanks and other civilian facilities as blatant violations of international laws, deeming them war crimes that will not go unpunished.

Participants emphasized that such aggression would not deter the Yemeni people from fulfilling their humanitarian, moral, and religious duties in supporting Al-Aqsa and avenging the martyrs, women, and children affected by the conflict.

The participants called on the people of Hajjah to mobilize and prepare for the battle, expressing their readiness to support the revolutionary leadership’s choices in fighting the battle of honor and heroism.

A statement issued by the event strongly denounced the Israeli
aggression against civilian facilities in Hodeida, including fuel tanks and Hodeida Electricity Station, which resulted in civilian casualties.

The statement highlighted the violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and condemned the escalation as intolerable. It praised the fifth phase of the escalation announced by the leader of the revolution, Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and reaffirmed the Yemeni people’s sacred duty to support the Palestinian people.

The statement renewed support for the Palestinian cause and the Yemeni armed forces, backing the measures and steps taken by the revolutionary leadership. It also blessed the upcoming military responses aimed at defending national sovereignty and supporting the Palestinian resistance, including the recent operation targeting Jaffa/ and Tel Aviv.

Source: Yemen News Agency