Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Jannah people in Harib District in Marib Province organized on Wednesday an armed vigil, empowering authorization to the revolutionleader and congratulating the security achievement in arresting the American-Zionist spy cell.

The participants in the protest affirmed their support and absolute authorization for everything taken by the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and everything he deems appropriate to protect the country’s interests, security, sovereignty and defend the rights of the Yemeni people.

A statement issued by the movement appreciated the security achievement in exposing the spy network that worked on behalf of the enemy in destroying the country for decades… calling on state institutions to work to reform what America and its criminal cell have corrupted.

The statement affirmed the steadfastness of Yemen’s position in supporting the Palestinians by all possible means, calling on all Arab peoples and countries to take effective action and organize marches in supp
ort of the Palestinians and to activate the boycott of American and Israeli goods.

Source: Yemen News Agency