Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Tax Office , Qat and Real Estate Tax Units in Dhamar Province organized on Wednesday a congratulatory rally for the security achievement achieved by the security services in exposing a spy cell for the American and Israeli enemy.

During the protest, Province Undersecretary Mahmoud Al-Jabin stressed the importance of the security achievement achieved, which revealed the truth about the activities of the American embassies, their diplomacy, their goals of dominating people, robbing their resources, and interfering in their affairs.

While the Director of the Dhamar Province Tax Office, Ayed Mohsen Ayed, confirmed that this achievement highlights the qualitative capabilities of the security services and the successes they achieved following the September 21 revolution.

He pointed out that the cell’s confessions exposed American policy and its subversive activities in Yemen for decades, exploiting its diplomatic missions and the organizations’ activities as a cover for subversive actions that conflict with
diplomatic norms, protocols, agreements, and international conventions regulating the diplomatic missions work.

The statement denounced the Saudi regime’s continued manipulation of the economic interests of the Yemeni people by targeting the banking sector and exchange companies to tighten the siege and starve the Yemeni people.

The statement renewed the mandate for the revolution leader to take all measures to confront the economic escalation by the Saudi regime, which affects the lives of all Yemeni citizens.

The participants in the rally affirmed their full readiness to continue the battle of the ‘promised conquest and holy jihad,’ and their steadfastness in supporting the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip in the face of the extermination war and starvation waged by the Zionist-American enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency