Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Transport Ministry’s employees , its affiliated bodies and institutions organized on Wednesday, a rally to support the Revolution Leader’s decisions to protect the Yemenis’ interests, and to congratulate the security achievement of arresting the American-Israeli spy cell.

The participants in the protest renewed their support and absolute mandate for all the decisions taken by the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to protect the interests and rights of the Yemeni people, and to support the Palestinians and their brave, steadfast resistance in the usurping Zionist entity face.

The caretaker Minister of Transport, Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, considered the security achievement evidence of the vigilance of the security services in maintaining the security and stability of the country.

He stressed the insistence of the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council on the complete and comprehensive opening of Sana’a International Airport to all destinations, as it was before th
e aggression against Yemen. He said, ‘We will only accept the complete opening of Sana’a International Airport and the rest of the airports that are currently being rehabilitated and restored, such as the two airports in Taiz and Hodeida.’

A statement issued by the vigil, in which representatives of the Transport Ministry and leaders from the Civil Aviation , Meteorology and Land Transport Regulatory Authority participated, congratulated the achievements of the security services in exposing the spy cell working for the American and Israeli enemy, and fully supported the choices of the revolution leader in supporting the Palestinian people and confronting American agents.

The statement affirmed the full mandate of the revolutionary leadership to make appropriate choices in confronting enemies and reforming state institutions, as well as confronting the aggressive measures of the Saudi regime that affect the interests of the nation and the people.

The Transport Ministry , its affiliated bodies and institutio
ns expressed their full support for the strong and clear positions contained in Sayyed Leader’s speech regarding defending the rights and interests of the Yemeni people and confronting the conspiracies that seek to starve them and tighten the siege on them.

Source: Yemen News Agency