Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The General Authority of Endowments held a solidarity vigil in Sana’a with the brothers in Gaza, and in rejection of the Zionist aggression on Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq , Iran, and in supporting Yemeni military operations.

A statement issued by the stand confirmed the continued leadership and employees of the General Authority of Endowments to interact with all activities supporting the Palestinian cause at all levels.

The statement announced the continuation of general mobilization and engagement in Al-Aqsa Flood courses in preparation for any possible confrontation with the Zionist entity.

It condemned the assassination carried out by the Zionist entity targeting the Mujahid, head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.

It denounced the Arab silence towards the ongoing crimes against the Palestinians and the brutal acts committed by the Zionist killing machine.

The statement stressed that the Zionist criminality will only be stopped by the jihad of the Mujahideen and the bravery of the heroes beca
use the Israeli enemy only knows the language of force.

It called on all free people to stand with the Palestinian resistance in particular and the countries of the resistance axes in general to confront the Israeli entity and its brutal crimes.

Source: Yemen News Agency