Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Faculty of Finance and Business at Totink International University of Technology (IUTT) organized on Sunday a protest and denounced the genocidal massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against Gaza residents .

The participants in the rally, which included leaders, cadres and members of the university, raised banners and slogans denouncing the Zionist entity’s persistence in committing crimes of genocide against the children and women in Gaza, the most recent of which was the brutal massacre of civilians in Al-Mawasi area in Khan Yunis in Gaza, as well as the targeting of worshipers while they were performing the noon prayer in Gaza, which led to… Dozens were martyred and hundreds wounded in light of international silence, Arab complicity and betrayal.

In the statement issued by the protest, and based on faith in God and belonging to Islam, sensing religious, moral and humanitarian responsibility, the participants expressed their support for the Palestinians under the slogan ‘Standing with Gaza… an
d we will confront America and those involved with it.’

The statement called for attention to the path of comprehensive economic boycott of enemies, which is within the power of all peoples, and to continue mobilizing and mobilizing with all vigor , determination, and to continue activities, marches, training and rehabilitation, so that everyone is ready and prepared at any time.

Source: Yemen News Agency