Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Al-Hawak district in Hodeida hosted on Sunday a lively event to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

The gathering, organized by local elders and the drivers’ union, underscored the importance of reflecting on the Prophet’s teachings and exemplifying his virtues.

The event featured prominent speeches highlighting the Prophet’s role as a moral guide. First Deputy Governor Ahmed al-Bishri emphasized the celebration’s role in reinforcing Yemeni resilience and commitment to Islamic principles.

Secretary-General Ali Bari advocated for widespread observance, stressing the importance of integrating the Prophet’s values into daily life.

Scholars Sheikh Ali Odhabi and Yahya al-Hajji urged attendees to actively embody the Prophet’s teachings and strive for justice.

The festivities served both to honor the Prophet and to reaffirm the Yemeni people’s dedication to his legacy amidst contemporary challenges.

Source: Yemen News Agency