Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

RAMALLAH: At least five Palestinians were shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces tonight during confrontations that broke out following a military incursion into several neighborhoods in the city of Ramallah.

According to WAFA correspondent, confrontations broke out between the occupation forces and Palestinians residents following a military incursion into Ein Misbah neighborhood in Ramallah.

Forces fired live and rubber-coated steel bullets as well as tear gas bombs during the confrontations, shooting and injuring a youth in the thigh, while another was stuck with shrapnel in the neck.

They were both transferred to hospital, where their medical condition was described as stable with minor injuries.

Three others were treated at the scene after being shot and injured by rubber-coated steel bullets.

The occupation forces reportedly stationed their troops near the Ramallah recreational complex in the city, and alongside the Al-Quds Open University in the neighborhood.
Source: Palestine News and Info
rmation Agency – WAFA