Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture and Science (UNESCO) condemned the US and British raids on Yemen.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the committee condemned in the strongest terms the aggressive forces’ targeting of the radio building and the port of Saleef in Hodeidah governorate last night, which resulted in the death and injury of dozens of journalists, media workers and civilians and the destruction of the radio building.

These targets were considered contrary to international laws and norms and international humanitarian law, which criminalizes the targeting of civilian objects in accordance with the Geneva Convention and its Protocols.

The statement stressed that the targeting of the radio represents targeting journalists, media professionals and the voice of truth, trying to hide the truth and depriving the citizen of his access to news and real information about the crimes of American, British and Zionist aggression.

The statement called on the United
Nations organizations and international organizations concerned with human rights and the protection of journalists and media professionals to play their humanitarian role in condemning these crimes and demanding the prosecution of the perpetrators.

He called on UNESCO in particular to condemn this crime and to carry out its responsibility and moral obligation to protect journalists and media professionals in Yemen and work to prosecute the perpetrators of this crime, as no one is above the law, and there is no discrimination between the lives of journalists, regardless of their country.

The UNESCO statement stressed that this crime is an extension of the crimes of the Zionist entity against journalists and media workers in Gaza, to silence the voice of truth and expose the crimes of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The statement urged civil organizations in Yemen to condemn the crime by targeting Hodeidah Radio and its media, organizing vigils expressing their condemnation and rejection, demanding the trial of
the forces of American and British aggression, standing by the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council in confronting colonial aggression, and supporting the leadership in continuing to support Gaza and the occupied territories.

Source: Yemen News Agency