Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) Maha Zayed Al Ruwaili said that the educational meeting is an annual event for the exchange of expertise and knowledge among all sectors of the educational community, serving as a milestone event that sets the stage for a successful start to the academic year.

In her statement, Al Ruwaili said that through holding this meeting, the ministry highlights its educational goals and strategic priorities to ensure that all educational sector workers share a clear and shared vision, in addition to being an occasion for developing participants’ leadership and educational skills, and creating harmony among all elements of the educational process.

She added that the educational meeting consolidates participants’ experiences which in turn enhance effectiveness and improve the quality of education in response to ongoing changes in the labor market and Qatari society, thus keeping the education sector up-to-date and

Al Ruwaili called for developing one’s skills in the pursuit of excellence and creativity, and advancing all of the country’s sectors, thus, realizing Qatar’s ambitions and national vision.

For her part, Director of the Training and Development Center Department at MOEHE Iman Salman Al Mohannadi said that the leaderships program was one of the programs implemented last year over a 5-month period, which targeted local school principals and deputies head, with one of its session taking place in Boston, USA.

Al Mohannadi explained that the program helped participants refine their leadership skills and pay field visits to some American schools to learn about their experiences in school leadership. She mentioned that 45 trainees participated in this edition of the program, including members of the permanent committee for the development of public schools, as well as several school principals and deputies head.

The annual educational meeting included a panel discussion about the importance of positi
vity in life and in a school setting, in which Saudi author, writer, and educational consultant Dr. Khalid Al Munif spoke about the importance of conquering hearts, staying positive, having something positive to say as opposed to criticizing, in addition to making use of the experiences of experts in leadership, education, and life in general.

Source: Qatar News Agency