Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

JORDAN VALLEY- The Israeli occupation forces today forced six Palestinian families to leave their homes in Khirbet Humsa al-Fawqa in the northern Jordan Valley under the pretext of conducting military exercises in the area, according to Motaz Bisharat, a local official.

He said that the occupation forces notified the families at the end of last week of having to leave their homes because the army wants to conduct military training in their area.

The families were told they have to be out of their homes starting today, Tuesday, and through Thursday from six in the morning until four in the afternoon, and again next Wednesday also from six in the morning until four in the afternoon.

The occupation forces notify dozens of families of leaving their homes in many areas of the northern Jordan Valley several times a year under the pretext of military training.

The training periods are concentrated annually in important seasons, especially in the seasons of planting and harvesting, and these exercises result in the destruction of agricultural lands and crops, inflicting great losses on farmers. Families are also forced to stay outdoors during severe cold weather, in addition to the dangers from the remnants of the exercises left by the occupation forces near their homes and in their pastures.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency