Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

JERUSALEM– The Israeli army shot and killed 18 Palestinians since 25 October and injured more than 200 others in the West Bank making 2022 the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since 2005, according to the biweekly Protection of Civilians Report published by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Six Palestinians were killed and 28 were injured by Israeli forces during two Israeli undercover military operations in the old city of Nablus and Jenin refugee camp on 25 October and on 3 November, it said.

In addition, five Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in four other incidents across the West Bank, the latest was a 15-year-old girl killed today, while others were killed during alleged attacks.

In addition to the killings, the Israeli forces restricted the movement of Palestinians in several locations across the West Bank.

The Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced people to demolish 54 structures, in East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank, citing the lack of Israeli-issued building permits; seven of the structures had been provided as donor-funded humanitarian aid. As a result, 35 people, including 16 children, were displaced, and close to 200 people were otherwise affected. The majority of targeted structures (41) were located in Area C, including 11 structures seized without warning, thereby preventing their owners from filing objections in advance. In addition, 13 structures were demolished in East Jerusalem, including six homes destroyed by their owners to avoid the payment of fines to the Israeli authorities.

The olive harvest season was disrupted by at least 23 setter violence incidents that resulted in the injury of 10 Palestinians by Israeli settlers and eight by Israeli forces, damage to more than 350 olive trees, and large amounts of stolen crops.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency