Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced today, Monday, that 280 aid workers were killed in 33 countries last year 2023, making it the bloodiest year ever for the global humanitarian community.

OCHA explained – in a statement issued on the occasion of its celebration of World Humanitarian Day – that aid workers standing on the front lines of conflicts in the world are being killed in unprecedented numbers, as this outrageously high number represents a 137 percent increase compared to 2022, when 118 aid workers were killed.

He added, “2024 may be on its way to recording an even bloodier result, as until this August, 172 aid workers were killed, according to the provisional number issued by the Aid Worker Security Database.”

He continued, “More than half of the deaths in 2023 were recorded in the first three months of the year, and from October to December, most of the deaths were due to hostilities in Gaza due to the raids of the Zionist entity.” It is notewort
hy that on World Humanitarian Day, relief workers and those who support their efforts around the world organize solidarity events and highlight the horrific losses of armed conflicts and demand that the international community end attacks on civilians, protect all relief workers and hold perpetrators accountable.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency