Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Egyptian peer Abdelfattah Al-Sisi affirmed on Wednesday their desire to upgrade cooperation and partnership in all fields to a strategic level.

In a joint declaration issued by the first session of the Turkish-Egyptian High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council, the two sides stressed the need of exploring new means of cooperation between the two sides for mutual interests.

They reiterated their desire to support direct foreign investment and cooperation in industry, and infrastructure.

They also agreed on enhancing their ties in education, culture, tourism and sports and youth as well as media and communications.

Moreover, the two sides reiterated their steadfast support to put an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and for the Palestinian people’s right to establish an independent and sovereign state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the 1967 borders.

They emphasized their commitment to protecting the right of return for all
Palestinian refugees, according to Turkish Anadolu Agency (AA).

They also called for an urgent and lasting cease-fire, the release of hostages and detainees, the statement said.

It also called for an uninterrupted and unimpeded flow of humanitarian and medical aid to Gaza and the entire Gaza Strip, in the face of Israel’s “flagrant” violations of International Law and International Humanitarian Law, including the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza for over the past 11 months.

Both countries voiced their readiness to boost coordination and cooperation between Ankara and Cairo to support efforts addressing the humanitarian situation in the besieged Gaza Strip, it stated.

The declaration further said that the two sides call for strong solidarity in the reconstruction of Gaza and urgently establish peace in the region to prevent further escalation of tensions.

Furthermore, they expressed deep concern about Israel’s illegal practices in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and cond
emned Israel’s illegal settlement activities, the provocative and inflammatory rhetoric of illegal settlers, and Israel’s military attacks on Palestinian cities, it pointed out.

The two countries called on the international community to strengthen the Palestinian National Authority in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities toward the Palestinian people in the West Bank, including Gaza and East Jerusalem, and to support efforts to counter and eliminate Israel’s restrictions, illegal policies, and practices, the statement noted.

It stressed the importance of backing Iraq’s sovereignty and stability, highlighting Turkish and Egyptian support for Iraq’s development and reconstruction efforts.

Ankara and Cairo reiterated the importance of achieving peace, security and stability in the Horn of Africa.

They advocated fostering neighborly and friendly relations, and respect for each country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in the Horn of Africa.

They voiced concern over the ongoing conflict in Sudan,
which has been causing a devastating humanitarian crisis across the country and region.

They welcomed efforts to resolve the crisis peacefully and support joint diplomatic initiatives in this regard, the declaration said, it pointed out.

Reaffirming their joint commitment to finding a lasting and comprehensive solution to the conflict in Syria, the two countries underlined the significance of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

The joint statement also stressed the significance of fighting against all forms and manifestations of terrorism.

Underlining the need of humanitarian assistance and early development projects for Syrian people, the declaration urged the international community to continue these efforts at a “satisfactory level”.

The declaration said that the two countries also reaffirmed their commitment to supporting a political process led and owned by Libyans under the facilitation of the UN, aimed at preserving Libya’s securit
y, stability, territorial integrity, and political unity.

Source: Kuwait News Agency