Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said: Those who support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are complicit with him in the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, and they will also be held accountable.

In a speech he delivered today during his participation in the Arab Foreign Ministers’ meeting at the headquarters of the Arab League in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, Fidan described Israel’s efforts to change the identity of the city of Al-Quds and violate the historical status quo of Al-Aqsa Mosque as “reckless efforts.”

The Turkish Foreign Minister explained that the Islamic world will do what is necessary to protect the Islamic identity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and said: “We meet today at a time when historical responsibilities fall on our shoulders, and if the world order has failed to stop the massacre in Palestine, the time has come for unity and solidarity to defend our peoples and their dignity.”

He stressed that Turkey will not restore trade relations with Israel until the ceasefire in Gaza is reac
hed and aid is allowed to enter for Palestinian civilians.

The 162nd session of the Council of the Arab League had started earlier today, Tuesday, at the level of foreign ministers, headed by Yemen, which succeeded Mauritania.

The Secretary-General of the League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said in a speech broadcast by Egyptian media: “The demand to stop the Gaza war is not an Arab demand, but a global demand.” He stressed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “is not ready to conclude a ceasefire agreement in the Strip.”

The meeting will be attended by Arab foreign ministers and heads of delegations, and a number of prominent international figures, including Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, UN Under-Secretary-General and Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, and UN Under-Secretary-General and Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag.

The Council, at the level of
foreign ministers, will discuss “ways to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and the crimes of genocide committed by the occupation forces against the Palestinian people over the course of more than 11 months, which resulted in the martyrdom, injury and loss of more than 145,000 Palestinian civilians,” according to its announced agenda.

The Council will also discuss “taking political, diplomatic and legal measures to stop the aggressive Israeli policies that seek to displace the Palestinian people from their land, in a serious violation of international humanitarian law and a threat to Arab national security, and the impact of these policies on the collapse of peace opportunities in the region and the escalation of the conflict.”

The meeting will discuss the situations in a number of Arab countries such as Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia, in addition to solidarity with Lebanon, the security of navigation and energy supplies in the Arabian Gulf region, and the Ethiopian d

Source: National Iraqi News Agency