Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Central Criminal Court of Anti-Corruption in Baghdad holds its session today, Wednesday, to begin the trial of the accused of the theft of the century “Nour Zuhair Jassim Al-Muzaffar”.

The “theft of the century” is represented by the disappearance of an amount of 3.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (about two and a half billion dollars) from tax trust funds, and it was revealed by several concerned parties about two months before the end of the term of the previous government headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Following the revelation of the theft, the Integrity Commission and the judiciary moved to investigate the case and several judicial arrest warrants were issued. The first to be arrested was businessman Nour Zuhair, who was imprisoned, in addition to others, in addition to judicial decisions to confiscate the movable and immovable assets of those involved in the theft as well as their families.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency