Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club renewed its call on Wednesday for the United Nations and its specialized organizations to conduct an impartial international investigation into the systematic torture of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, part of which was revealed in video footage leaked to the media, along with dozens of testimonies documented by specialized institutions, which are capable of condemning and holding the occupation accountable.

The club said that international investigation bodies must demand that the occupation provide the recordings of cameras in prisons and camps, which today constitute a central part of their structure, and which will certainly reveal more horrific crimes documented with evidence, in addition to the testimonies that institutions seek to follow up on, as an aspect of the ongoing genocide.

The club added, in response to a video published by the occupation media, which shows a group of occupation soldiers in the (Sde Teiman) camp carrying out a rape crim
e against a detainee from Gaza, whose identity and health condition are not known yet, that this crime is one of many rape crimes carried out by occupation soldiers against detainees from Gaza, specifically in the (Sde Teiman) camp, which was the most prominent witness to the crimes of torture against Palestinian detainees in the occupation prisons and camps, based on the testimonies and testimonies of prisoners who were released from the occupation camps, as well as based on limited visits recently made by several institutions.

The Prisoners Club stated that the rape crime documented by cameras confirms that there is more photographic evidence that the occupation possesses about all the crimes committed against detainees in the camp and in other prisons.

The club pointed out that the leaking of the video, coinciding with the discussion of the issue of closing the Sde Teiman camp, was intentional, as the occupation is trying to focus on the Sde Teiman camp, as if it were the only space among the prisons whe
re the same systematic crimes are practiced, which are no less in level than the atrocities practiced in this camp. We note here that the Negev prison, as a model, constituted one of the most prominent prisons in which sexual assaults were practiced at various levels, based on testimonies obtained by the relevant institutions. Therefore, the effort to close this camp, if it is done, does not mean that the crimes of torture have ended, but rather all the testimonies we obtain from released prisoners and from legal teams include all prisons and camps, including interrogation and temporary detention centers.

The club pointed out in its statement that the crimes of torture and rape, in addition to the crime of starvation and systematic medical crimes that the occupation uses against prisoners and detainees in its prisons and camps, which escalated after October 7, are all fixed and systematic crimes that the occupation has used historically against prisoners, including sexual assaults, which at this stage consti
tute the most prominent of these crimes, and that the only variable occurring today is the size and intensity of these crimes and the expansion of their scope compared to any other period of time.

The Prisoners Club stresses that the escalation of talk about the occupation’s claims of its intention to open investigations and hold accountable the soldiers involved in the rape crime in the Sde Teiman camp, as one of several camps and prisons in which the occupation authorities are holding Gaza detainees, are blatant attempts to evade any international investigation that would expose its crimes and lead to its accountability.

The club added that these investigations are merely allegations that do not carry any meaning for a system that practices genocide in front of the world, and practices crimes of torture and field executions in front of the camera lenses. In addition to all of this, we affirm that the Israeli judicial system has been and continues to be a fundamental pillar in consolidating all the crimes
that are taking place today, including the ongoing crimes against prisoners and detainees.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of the war of extermination, the occupation has continued to refuse to allow the International Red Cross to visit the detainees, and it continues to impose the crime of enforced disappearance against the majority of the detainees in Gaza, in addition to dozens of detainees who were martyred in the prisons and camps of the occupation from the detainees in Gaza, and the occupation has not revealed their identities.

It is worth noting that the latest data announced by the prison administration regarding the detainees of Gaza from (illegal combatants) is 1584, and this data does not include all the detainees of Gaza, noting that in light of some legal amendments made by the occupation regarding the detainees of Gaza, the institutions were able, through a specific mechanism, to reveal the fate of some of the detainees of Gaza, including martyrs who were killed as a result of tort
ure, but the majority are still subject to enforced disappearance, and the institutions face great challenges in following up on the issue of the detainees of Gaza, especially since visits are still limited.

The number of prisoners in the occupation prisons until the beginning of August exceeded 9,900, and this data does not include all the detainees from Gaza, specifically those detained in the camps affiliated with the army.

Source: Maan News Agency