Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Baghdad, The House of Representatives held its sixth session of its second legislative term, the third legislative year of the fifth electoral cycle, today, Tuesday, headed by Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Acting Speaker of the Council, and attended by 194 representatives.

The Parliament’s media department stated: “Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah chaired part of the session at the beginning of the session, and the Council voted on the draft law on registering births and deaths submitted by the Health and Environment Committee in order to simplify procedures, facilitate the completion of transactions, and reduce the burden on citizens when they visit birth and death registration offices inside and outside Iraq, and address all issues and problems related to registering births and deaths.”

The Council postponed voting on the proposed law amending the first law on the foundations of equivalence of Arab and foreign certificates and degrees No. (20) of 2020, submitted by the Higher Education and Scientific
Research Committee.

The Council voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives of 2015, submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee, to achieve consistency in national and international legislation related to the physical, chemical and taste characteristics of olive oil and table olives and to prevent any obstacles to trade and to carry out activities in the field of physical, chemical and taste tests and to enhance technical cooperation and research and development in the olive sector and to enhance the role of the International Olive Council as a global center for documentation and information on the olive tree and its products.

The Council concluded reading the report and discussing the proposed law of the Iraqi Programmers Syndicate submitted by the Labor and Civil Society Organizations Committees, and the Legal Committee.

A number of the representatives’ demands focused on including the segment of programmers in the Kurdist
an Region in the Syndicate Law, in addition to the demand to include graduates of diplomas and higher diplomas in the Syndicate membership.

The Presidency then decided to adjourn the session.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency