Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Iraq, Ahmed Al-Ruwaidi, considered that the legal advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice today, Friday, July 19, 2024, regarding the nature of the illegal Israeli occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory, and the legal implications for Israel, the United Nations, and third parties, is a historic decision that came as a result of political, legal and diplomatic work carried out by the State of Palestine in coordination with all friends and brothers, it confirms a fact that obligates member states of the United Nations to shoulder its responsibilities to end the occupation, recognize the Palestinian state, and support its establishment on the ground.

Al-Ruwaidi stressed that Palestine welcomed this historic decision, in which the court evaluated all the facts, and evidence presented by the State of Palestine, and the countries that joined the court’s procedures, and applied the law wisely and fairly and prevailed over humanity, moral pr
inciples, and international legitimacy. The highest international judicial body in the world declared that the Israeli occupation is a long-term and illegal occupation, and that Israel, the occupying power, annexed the Palestinian land, deprived the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination, and subjected them to systematic discrimination and apartheid, in flagrant violation of the principles and foundations of the International law.

Ambassador Al-Ruwaidi said that the decision is considered historic because it was issued by the highest international judicial authority that affirmed that the occupation is illegal, settlements and crimes must stop, and that the world is required today to take a clear stance against the Israeli occupation as a racist entity.

Al-Ruwaidi stressed that the only solution consistent with international law is for Israel, the occupying power, to end its illegal occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory unconditionally and immediately, and to dismantle the coloni
al and racist system, with all its legal and material aspects, that it has pursued and enabled for decades.

Ambassador Al-Ruwaidi thanked brotherly Iraq for its principled and supportive position on the State of Palestine, as brotherly Iraq had a clear position before the International Court of Justice, expressing its rejection of colonialism, occupation, aggression and domination. He said that this comes as an extension of Iraq’s historical position of standing with Palestine since the year 1948.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency