Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The Brazilian Civil Defense announced that the number of people who died due to torrential rains and floods in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, which began in early May and is still continuing, has reached 161 people.

A summary on the Rio Grande do Sul Civil Defense website read: ‘Wounded: 806, missing: 85, confirmed deaths: 161.’

Rescuers said that 581,000 people have fled their homes since the floods began about three weeks ago, and 71.5 thousand are living in temporary shelters.

The disaster affected 2.34 million residents of the state in 467 towns out of 497. More than 27,000 people, 18 aircraft and 265 ships are still participating in rescue operations.

According to the charts on the Civil Defense website, the level of the Guayba River, which flows through the state capital, Porto Alegre, now stands at 4.02 metres, and the flood level is considered 3 meters.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency