Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Baghdad The Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water, Walid Fayyad, praised the continuous support of the Iraqi government and people, and the direct care of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to Lebanon by supplying it with quantities of fuel to ensure the continuity of the work of the energy sector in Lebanon, especially in the exceptional circumstances experienced by the electricity sector and good management Contracts signed between the two parties.

The Lebanese News Agency reported that the Minister of Energy and Water, Walid Fayyad, continued his visit to Iraq, where he met with the Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar at the Ministry building, in the presence of representatives of the SOMO Company, the Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq Ali Al-Habhab, the Director General of Oil Aurour Feghali, the Minister’s advisor, Danny Samaha, and the economic attaché Salah Saleh.

It added, the meeting concluded by praising the continuous support of the Iraqi government and people, and the direct care of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to Lebanon by providing it with quantities of fuel to ensure the continuity of the work of the energy sector, especially in the exceptional circumstances that the electricity sector is going through, and the good management of contracts signed between the two parties, and confirming Minister Fayyad said that the sums owed by the Lebanese side for the delivered oil quantities come within the framework of strengthening cooperation and trade and economic exchange between the two brotherly countries.

The two parties agreed to “complete the decisions of Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to raise and stabilize the quantities delivered to Lebanon, and reschedule delivery times to raise the level of electrical energy production in Lebanon.”

A technical meeting was held with officials of “SOMO” in the presence of the two ministers to discuss the executive path for the delivery of Iraqi crude oil.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency