Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Council of Ministers held its twenty-ninth regular session today, Sunday, headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani.

The Prime Minister’s Office stated in a statement that the general conditions in the country were discussed, and the paths for following up on the implementation of the government program according to priorities and targets, as well as reviewing the most important files related to development, economic and political aspects, and developments in the situation at the national level, as well as considering the topics included on the agenda, and taking decisions regarding them.

In the field of investing our national wealth of associated and liquefied gas, the Council of Ministers approved the Ministry of Oil’s acquisition of the lands on which the (Central Gas Processing Plant Project / CPF Gas) will be built, within the Halfaya-Basra field, and the completion of the extension of the dry gas and liquefied gas (LPG) pipelines, according to the principle of voluntary compensation; Includ
ing compensating the owners of the disposition rights voluntarily, in accordance with the Expropriation Law (12 of 1981), as well as settling the rights of the owners of agricultural contracts (other than the owners of the disposition rights), in coordination between the Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Agriculture, and determining the lands required for its activities and requesting the termination of the agricultural relations concluded on them, based on the terms of the contract between the contractor and the Ministry of Agriculture, provided that the beneficiary (the Ministry of Oil) undertakes to compensate the contractors for the value of the buildings and plantings, through specialized committees formed for this purpose, based on the provisions of Law (35 of 1983), and for contractors according to laws and legislation other than the aforementioned law, compensation shall be in accordance with what is stipulated in the legislation, and the rest of the agricultural legislation and according to the typ
e of agricultural relationship.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency