The British Council announces six projects within the Response and Empowerment Program through the English Language in Palestine

Ramallah – Together – The British Council announced the launch of six projects within the Response and Empowerment Program through the English Language in Palestine in order to enhance the response to the needs of local communities and contribute to enabling young people and adults to access quality English language education.

More than £100,000 will be granted to various projects, which are expected to be completed by the end of next October. Through cooperation between local and British partners in many Palestinian cities, work will be done to expand access to language learning and provide beneficiaries with diverse capabilities and skills, in addition to developing aspects and covering gaps and working to empower many societal groups through language and enhancing the volume of response and benefit.

In his comment, Director of the British Council in Palestine, Martin Daltrey, said: ‘We are committed to empowering Palestinian youth through language and education. These projects demonstrate the importance
of language in building capacity and skill and adapting to changes. Each initiative focuses on the unique strengths of our partners and highlights the importance of Cooperation to meet the needs of young people.’

It is noteworthy that the grants of the Response and Empowerment through Language program will achieve access to many Palestinian cities, including:

Community English language clubs: Through the Welfare Association for Community Development in Salfit, work will be done to train unemployed English language graduates in order to establish six English language clubs. In the northern West Bank and its leadership, benefiting 300 Palestinians, including children, young professionals and mothers.

English for Identity: Through the Jerusalem Heritage Youth Forum, English language lessons will be combined with interactive activities such as art and music therapy. It is expected to reach 150 young men and women, including children with disabilities in Jerusalem.

Learning for informal and non-formal educator
s in Palestine: Through the University of Glasgow, academic support and professional development will be provided to English language teachers and graduates in Gaza, and this project will connect them with academics based in the United Kingdom to obtain guidance and hold workshops.

Stories of success and empowerment: Through Siraj Library, three Palestinian stories will be translated into a bilingual book, and 30 English language teachers will be trained in storytelling, culminating in performances during the Siraj Library International Storytelling Festival.

Voices Across the World – Haneen Jadallah: This project will cover themes of identity and empathy by connecting young people from multiple countries including Palestine, England and Bosnia through personal storytelling and remote theatre.

Voices of Success and Empowerment – Teacher Creativity Center Association: This project will use language to enhance the ability to respond, community cohesion and accountability among young people between the ages o
f 15 and 17 in summer camps, and they will be encouraged to share their own stories through different creative outlets.

Source: Maan News Agency