Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani strongly condemned the attacks launched by the United States and Britain last night on areas in the cities of Sanaa and Hodeidah in Yemen, which resulted in the death and injury of dozens.

The “Tasnim” International News Agency quoted Kanaani, in a statement, as saying: The US-British aggressive attack on Yemen and the targeting of citizens and civilians, at the same time that the unlimited support by these two countries continues for the continuation of the Zionist entity in war crimes and genocide against the Gaza Strip and the Rafah area, with the aim of spreading security chaos in the region, and preventing honorable support for the people and government of Yemen, for the oppressed Palestinian people.

Kanani considered the continued violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the attack on the citizens of this country a clear example of the violation of international laws and regulations and the violation of human rights, and said: Th
e aggressor governments of America and Britain bear responsibility for the consequences of these crimes against the Yemeni people.

Kanani called on the international community, international forums and Islamic countries to carry out their legal and humanitarian duties to support the oppressed Yemeni people and oppose the provocative and adventurous actions of America and Britain in the region.

In conclusion, Kanani offered condolences to the National Salvation Government and the Yemeni people, especially the families of the martyrs, for the martyrdom of a number of Yemeni citizens as a result of these cowardly attacks, asking the wounded for health and speedy recovery.

Source: Yemen News Agency