Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

“Syria’s participation in the 4th China International Import Expo, which wrapped up activities on Wednesday, was an opportunity to showcase the products of Syrian companies, promote their brands, make deals, and explore opportunities to develop and increase international trade cooperation” Director of Local Production and Export Support and Development Authority, Thaer Fayyad, said.

Fayyad told SANA correspondent that the virtual exhibition also represented an excellent opportunity for the participants in terms of moving to e-marketing and getting to know its techniques through exhibitions and electronic promotional platforms.

He added that the exhibition was also a window into moving towards e-commerce and starting to prepare the infrastructure that enables Syrian companies to secure their requirements, and to do the promotion, marketing, payment and others electronically, in a way that would save time, efforts and cost.

He added that the participation of Syria in the exhibition is a reflection of its distinguished relation with China at the trade level and the two countries willingness to increase the volume of trade and investment exchange.

“The event also represents a distinct opportunity for trade exchange and investment in information technology and the digital world to overcome the difficulties imposed on the world by the Coronavirus pandemic,” Fayyad said.

The participation of the Syrian pavilions in the exhibition, included photos and promotional videos for a selected group of companies, such as companies producing and exporting Syrian olive oil, and leading companies in the food, coffee and laurel soap industries, and a presentational video on the most important Syrian cultural and tourist attractions and investment opportunities currently available in Syria, according to Fayyad

Its noteworthy that the activities of the 4th edition of the China International Import Expo, which started on November 4, was concluded on Thursday with the participation of about 3,000 companies from 127 countries over a total area of 366 thousand square meters.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency