Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


A symbolic brigade of Al-Aqsa Flood courses graduates organized on Wednesday a speech event in the official side of the capital’s secretariat, on the Prophet’s birthday anniversary occasion , may the best prayers, peace be upon him and his family.

The speeches of the event stressed the importance of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday anniversary, and the wide participation in holding various events , activities and strengthening the faith identity and Qur’anic culture among society.

The commemoration of this great occasion was considered a faith station to consolidate the thought of resistance and the culture of jihad for the sake of God and supporting the oppressed in Gaza , Palestine, confronting nation’s enemies , those lying in wait for it, thwarting their conspiracies and criminal plans.

The speeches stressed the importance of strengthening the Yemeni people’s connection and adherence to the Great Messenger, may God bless him , his family and grant them peace, following his example, drawing lesson
s , morals from the great , jihadist biography of Muhammad and continuing on his noble path in confronting enemies until victory is achieved.

They urged the continuation of general mobilization activities and joining the open military courses “Al-Aqsa Flood” for the official side, in preparation for the promised conquest battle , the holy jihad , supporting , backing the Palestinians and their valiant resistance

Source: Yemen News Agency