Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The surge in the Israeli killing and cold-blooded execution of Palestinians, attacks on the roads, the demolition of homes, the construction and expansion of settlements, and the continued withholding of the bodies of Palestinians killed by Israel justify the Palestinian resistance and makes it a national duty and a binding choice for all, today said Fatah Revolutionary Council at the conclusion of its two-day meeting held in Ramallah.

It said that resisting the occupation is legitimate and guaranteed by international law, holding the Israeli occupation and government fully responsible for the Palestinian reaction of self-defense, and calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities in providing protection for the Palestinian people under occupation.

“The Israeli government that is being formed is a government of settlers that empowers gangs of murderers. It affirms Israel’s transformation into an apartheid state,” said the final statement of the Revolutionary Council. “As our people resist this occupation, they urge the world to respond to the programs and measures announced by the members of the new Israeli government that will make the next explosion inevitable unless actual international measures are taken to deter the government of the occupation that is dragging the region into a quagmire of hatred, bloodshed and violence.”

President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also head of the Fatah movement, told the opening of the 10th session of the Revolutionary Council that Palestine is committed to the national constants to end the occupation and establish the independent State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. He also stressed the importance of achieving national unity and the need to implement United Nations resolutions, particularly General Assembly Resolutions 181, which called for the establishment of an Arab state in parts of historic Palestine, and 194 on the right of return of or compensation for the refugees, as well as obtaining full membership in the United Nations and to join its agreements, treaties and specialized agencies.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency