Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Supreme Security Committee discussed in a meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Rowaishan, the security plan for the major event held on the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet in the capital, Sana’a, and popular events in the governorates.

At the beginning of the meeting, which included members of the committee and in the presence of the Minister of Finance, Abdul Jabbar Ahmed, and the Deputy Minister of Interior, Major General Abdul Majeed Al-Murtada, the committee stood on the repercussions of the flooding of dams in the Milhan district in Al-Mahwit Governorate, and the material and human damage it left in the district, and the efforts of the rescue teams of the Civil Defense Authority, which moved to the affected areas, and the efforts of the security men and armed forces participating in the rescue operations, and the meeting conveyed their condolences to the families of the victims.

The meeting reviewed several sec
urity measures that will be taken that will preserve the security and safety of the guests of the Great Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – including security deployment, at the entrances to cities and governorates, and the vicinity of the celebration squares.

They also discussed the traffic plan, which will be implemented to ensure the smooth movement of arrivals to the squares, and that the streets are free of traffic jams.

The security committee stressed the importance of readiness, preparedness, and security vigilance, filling potential gaps, and the high morals of security men when dealing with the guests of the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him – and raising the level of coordination and exchange of information between the various security agencies and units.

It called on all citizens to cooperate with security men and traffic police to organize the entry and exit of participants in the event and to participate widely in the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday.

Yemen News Agency