Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

SANA’A – Saba :The Supreme Judicial Council convened its weekly meeting on Monday, chaired by Judge Ahmed al-Mutawakel.

The Council received updates from its Chairman and members about their participation in various judicial events across the provinces.

These events are part of the Council’s approved program for commemorating the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, in alignment with the Republic’s Presidency and the Government of Change and Construction’s plan.

The meeting emphasized the importance of encouraging broad official and public participation in the Prophet’s birthday celebrations, reflecting steadfastness and adherence to the values and principles established by the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family.

Additionally, the Council reviewed a memorandum from the Chairman of the Judicial Inspection Authority concerning the jurisdiction of criminal courts of first instance in handling specific cases.

A decision on this matter was deferred to a future meeting for further deliberation.

The C
ouncil also addressed several requests from the Office of the Presidency of the Republic regarding judicial rulings on various complaints, making appropriate decisions as needed.

The agenda included discussions on various topics, with decisions taken and minutes from the previous meeting approved following some amendments.

Source: Yemen News Agency