Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Summer activities and courses continue in Sana’a governorate with great enthusiasm and interaction from students, teachers and workers.

The southeastern sector of the governorate is witnessing great interaction by students enrolled in summer courses and the implementation of many creative, cultural and sporting activities that reflect the extent of benefit from the carefully prepared courses.

With the continuation of educational activities and interest in the sciences of the Holy Qur’an and the correct Quranic culture to protect generations from false cultures, destructive ideas, and the danger of the soft war waged by global Zionism against the Islamic nation, various activities are held in oratory, poetry, chanting, and recitation and intonation of the Holy Qur’an.

Students practice social activity through trips and visits inside and outside the region – according to the general framework of trips, visits and competitions.

They also practice many cultural and Islamic awareness activities, through theat
re, radio, competitions, seminars, events, calligraphy improvement programs and landscape painting.

Through sports activity, those enrolled in summer courses practice sports games and skills, physical fitness training, and competitions in individual and group games.

These activities are presented in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and competition according to the students’ age levels and their cognitive and physical abilities, where systematic competitions are held through which the students’ scientific abilities are highlighted and their creativity increases.

Director of the Office of Education – Head of the Subcommittee for Summer Courses in the Governorate, Hadi Ammar, explained that the diversity of summer course activities contributed to providing students with new skills and enhancing their abilities and knowledge in various religious and secular sciences.

He praised the efforts of those in charge of the summer courses, urging them to redouble their efforts in a way that contributes to the success of th
eir plans and goals to immunize generations.

Meanwhile, the director of the Youth and Sports Office in the governorate, responsible for summer courses in the southeastern sector, Abdul Mohsen Al-Sharif, explained that the number of students enrolled in the courses reached 26,630 male and female students, including 1,20 students in model ‘boarding’ schools.

He stated that the courses this year were characterized by many activities that keep pace with the stage, which were met with great satisfaction from students and parents, especially religious activities and Quranic culture that provide them with useful values and sciences.

For their part, the directors of the directorates of Bilad Al-Rus, Saleh Naji and New Sana’a Ahmed Othman, explained that the summer courses develop annually in terms of the curriculum, broad participation, and various activities.

They Pointed out that the outcomes of the courses this year will be distinct from previous years in terms of quantity and quality.

They highlighted the im
portance of summer courses in building a generation armed with Quranic culture and faith identity, stressing that the scientific, intellectual and cultural activities and programs presented during them constitute a fortification for male and female students.

In turn, those in charge of the summer courses stressed the importance of developing the knowledge of youth, arming them with Quranic culture and faith education, and fortifying them against destructive ideas.

For their part, the students’ parents appreciated the keenness of the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council and their interest in raising the generations in sound faith and jihadi formation, praising the efforts of those in charge of these courses.

Source: Yemen News Agency