Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The second consultative meeting of the branches of the General Administration for Combating Drugs, organized by the Yemeni Company for Pharmaceutical Industry and Trade (YEDCO), began in Sana’a under the slogan “Together to implement the control mechanism for internationally controlled drugs”.

The two-day meeting aims to discuss a number of working papers presented by specialists from the Supreme Pharmaceutical Authority, the Interior Ministry and the company, on activating control procedures according to the updates in the drug control mechanism and coordinating efforts between the concerned parties.

At the meeting, which was attended by the company’s chairman, Dr. Mohammed Al-Tuhami, the director of the Drugs Department at the Supreme Pharmaceutical Authority, Dr. Noman Al-Qahtani, presented a working paper titled “Drugs. International control between licit and illicit trade”.

The third paper presented by Dr. Mohammed Al-Shabai, a pharmaceutical official at Yedco, focused on the company’s role in providi
ng anesthesia drugs and meeting the private hospitals needs.

The working papers emphasized the importance of integrating efforts and coordination between the relevant authorities to implement the control mechanism for internationally monitored medicines, activating joint committees and creating updated forms for control procedures that include accuracy of information and completeness of statistical data.

Source: Yemen News Agency