Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Education Sector of the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Education Office in the capital Sana’a, organized today,Monday, a sports race for school students to enhance the concept of the importance of returning to school.

A thousand students participated in the race that started from Al-Ahly Club Square, passing through Taiz Street, the thirtieth round, to the end point in the orphanage, round 45.

After the race, the Deputy Director of the Office of Education in the Municipality, Hafez Ibrahim, the Director of School Activities in the Office, Khaled Al-Aqabi, his deputy Abdullah Al-Madani, the heads of the activities departments in the office , the educational areas in the directorates, a large group of principals, supervisors and students of the participating schools, honored the winners with colored cups and medals.

Source: Yemen News Agency