Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

A number of executive offices in Sana’a Province organized on Wednesday a speech event to commemorate Ashura – the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, in supporting the Palestinians , their valiant resistance, in supporting naval operations and the armed forces.

In the event, which was organized by the electricity offices , water and communications institutions, the endowments bodies, rural water, lands, water resources and post offices, the oil , gas companies and the Social Welfare Fund, the province’s undersecretary for the investment sector, Yahya Jamaan, pointed out that the Yemeni people’s commemoration of this anniversary reflects the extent of their loyalty to the martyrs’ master, Imam, Al-Hussein bin Ali, peace be upon them, and expressing their connection to the Qur’anic approach and vision on the basis of which they moved to confront Yazidi tyranny.

In the event, which was organized by the offices of the electricity, water and communications institutions, the endowments bodies, rural wa
ter, lands, water resources and post offices, the oil and gas companies and the Social Welfare Fund, the province’s undersecretary for the investment sector, Yahya Jamaan, pointed out that the Yemeni people’s commemoration of this anniversary reflects the extent of their loyalty to martyrs’ master , Imam, Al-Hussein bin Ali, peace be upon them, and expressing their connection to the Qur’anic approach and vision on the basis of which they moved to confront the Yazidi tyranny.

He urged everyone to continue steadfastness and prepare to confront the American-British aggression, based on the rules and approach of Imam Hussein in his revolution against tyranny.

While the Deputy Director of the Land Authority in the province, Musaad Al-Maamari, explained that the tragedy of Karbala, with the martyrdom of the Messenger of God tribe of the , may God’s prayers , peace be upon him and his family, is a tragedy that befell the Islamic nation, and lessons must be drawn from it, and steadfastness in the truth position , r
efusal to submit, and fighting the era tyrants , America, Britain, the Zionist entity, and all those who marched in their orbit.

Meanwhile, a member of the Association of Yemeni Scholars, Radwan Al-Muhaya, confirmed that Imam Hussein moved in a revolution to confront the injustice and tyranny of the arrogant people, and he represented truth and justice, pointing out the importance of commemorating this occasion and benefiting from the Martyrs’ Master path , taking lessons from it, and continuing in his path.

Source: Yemen News Agency