Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

The Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance in Sana’a City began today its first session in the case of Ahmed Hussein Yahya Nejad, on charges of kidnapping and raping a nine-year-old girl in the Artel area of Sana’a City.

In the session, which was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Court, Judge Yahya Al-Mansour and in the presence of a member of the prosecution, Judge Hilal Al-Obaidi, the accused was confronted with the indictment and the list of evidence, which included the defendant’s crime of kidnapping by force a juvenile female, followed by rape of her, as the victim and her family are tenants of the third floor in a house belonging to the uncle, mother and grandmother of the accused, which is under his control.

The court decided to enable the accused to present his defense, as well as the victim’s guardian to file his claim in the civil right and oblige the prosecution to bring prosecution witnesses, to the next session in this crime and the incident that is strange to society, w
hich has received widespread resentment due to its impartiality of values, morals and brutality by kidnapping and assaulting a child The order punishable in accordance with Law No. 12 of 1993 on criminal procedures, and Article II of Law No. 24 of 1998 on combating kidnapping crimes. and intermittency.

Source: Yemen News Agency