Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A member of the Supreme Political Council Sultan al-Samai on Sunday reviewed the progress of work at the Education Office in Taiz province on Sunday.

During the visit, al-Samai held a meeting with Director of Education in the province Abduljalil al-Samai, along with the office’s cadres, employees, and administrators. The meeting aimed to discuss various aspects of the educational process, the difficulties faced, and to develop necessary solutions.

In the meeting, al-Samai commended the steadfastness of the educational front over the past years in confronting the plans of the American, Saudi, and Emirati aggression coalition, despite the suspension of salaries. This steadfastness reflects the awareness and patriotism of educational and teaching cadres.

He said, “The enemy believes that we will not be able to continue education by targeting more than a thousand schools across the republic. But, thanks to God and the efforts of educators and teachers, and their steadfastness, perseverance, and keenness, educa
tion has continued, and we are competing with our youth against countries that have capabilities we do not have.”

Al-Samai spoke about the intelligence and creativity of Yemeni students in various fields, noting that Yemeni students receive scholarships abroad after completing high school and excel in diverse areas.

He expressed the appreciation of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council for the efforts of educators and teachers and the significant role they have played in the educational and teaching front over the past years.

He explained that the visit to the Education Office aimed to review the efforts made, support teachers and educators, and address the difficulties they face. He stressed the need to prioritize the educational process and support teachers and educators.

The SPC member highlighted the importance of paying attention to the schools that were attached and suggested new names for them. This issue was previously raised to the province leadership, and two attachments
were named: the first “October 7th” and the second “al-Aqsa Flood,” to ensure that these dates remain immortal in the minds of generations.

Al-Samai also mentioned the existence of schools for the martyr of the Qur’an in the province, where teaching is conducted for two years after the basic education stage. Similar to the University of the Qur’an in Sana’a, these schools receive graduates from across the republic.

Source: Yemen News Agency