Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A responsible source in the Supreme Economic Committee denied the existence of any agreement regarding the resumption of oil exports, and that what is being promoted in this regard are merely rumors by the US-Saudi aggression mercenaries .

The source explained, in a special statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that what the US-Saudi aggression mercenaries are promoting about the existence of an agreement that allows them to resume oil exports is baseless, stressing that the decision of the President of the Supreme Political Council regarding preventing the national oil wealth lootingwas and still is in effect.

The source added, “The issue of resuming oil exports is strictly linked to the disbursement of state employees salaries and pensioners’ pensions, in accordance with the decision to prevent the looting of national wealth.”

The source warned the US-Saudi aggression mercenaries against any attempt to circumvent the decision to prevent the looting of national wealth, indicating that their efforts
to resume looting the people’s resources and transfer their revenues to their accounts abroad will not be allowed.

The source also warned local and foreign companies against any collusion with mercenaries in violating the decision to prevent the looting of national wealth, stressing that this will be met with an immediate response from the Yemeni Armed Forces, and that these companies must bear responsibility for the consequences of this.

The source reiterated that the decision to prevent the looting of national oil wealth will remain linked to the entitlement to pay salaries of all state employees and pensions of retirees.

Source: Yemen News Agency