Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Amman: Several smugglers were killed and injured during ongoing clashes since dawn on Jordan’s northern border between Jordanian border guard forces and armed groups, a top military source in the General Command of the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) – Arab Army announced Monday evening.

“Eight of the nine smugglers that were apprehended had their identities disclosed with pictures, which also included the drugs and weapons that had been seized,” according to the source.

According to the source, after counting, the amount of drugs found was equal to 4,926,000 Captagon pills and 12,858 palms of hashish. The drugs were then referred to the competent authorities.

The source emphasized that JAF will persist in responding resolutely and forcibly to any border threats as well as all attempts aimed at undermining national security, creating instability, and intimidating the populace.
Source: Jordan News Agency