Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Skills Development Fund concluded on Wednesday the training program in risk and crisis management and decision-making, funded and supervised by the Fund.

The goal of the program, implemented through the Center for Consultation and Development, in one week, is to provide 35 staff from the University of Science and Technology Hospital, including hospital directors and doctors, with knowledge about crises in hospitals, means of predicting them, managing them, and ways to confront them.

In conclusion, Jamil al-Nuaimi, Deputy Executive Director of the Skills Development Fund, explained that this program comes within a series of programs provided by the Fund to meet the training needs of the Fund’s shareholders from public, private and mixed sector institutions, with the aim of raising the efficiency of workers in those institutions.

He praised the selection of this program by the hospital administration as one of the qualitative programs that deals with crises and risks and their management, and to which al
l international institutions have given a great deal of attention as a type of early planning and a quality tool.

The Deputy Executive Director stressed the Fund’s keenness to finance such programs that help the hospital improve the services it provides to citizens.

While the Vice President of the University of Science and Technology, Dr. Abdullatif Musleh, stressed the importance of this program as it helps in planning and anticipating risks in the future and developing appropriate treatments and alternatives.

He pointed out that this program comes within a group of training programs and courses that aim to raise the efficiency of hospital staff in a number of different aspects, pointing to the importance that continuous training represents as a main tool for modernizing and developing any institution.

For his part, Director of the Consultation and Development Center, Abdul Majeed al-Adlani, pointed out that choosing the hospital director as a trainer for the program has created a lot of harmony and the
participants’ understanding of what they received during the training and its impact on their work environment.

Source: Yemen News Agency