Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A security source reported that six ISIS elements were killed in an Iraqi airstrike west of Kirkuk.

The source said: “Among the dead was Omar Salah Ne’ma al-Jubouri, the emir of the military detachment of Albu Hamdan sector in the so-called Kirkuk State.”

A security source had announced earlier this morning that a number of ISIS terrorist elements were killed in an Iraqi airstrike that targeted an ISIS hideout west of Kirkuk.

For its part, the Joint Operations Command confirmed the killing of a terrorist detachment consisting of (6) elements, including the terrorist (Omar Salah Ne’ma) nicknamed (Abu Khattab), one of the most dangerous ISIS leaders and commander of the so-called (Albu Hamdan sector in Kirkuk State) and the terrorists Othman Abu Abdul and Izz al-Din Hisham in Kirkuk.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency