Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Yemen Red Crescent Society branch in Amran province, in coordination with the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, launched on Sunday the distribution of shelter materials to one thousand families of the most needy families in a number of districts.

The project, funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), targets the neediest IDPs and the host community in the districts of Amran, Jabal Yazid, Thula, Al-Ashah, Huth, Harf Sufyan, and Iyal Surayh.

During the distribution in the presence of the General Directors of the Supreme Council Branch Hemyar Al Sa’ar and Improvement Fund, Abbas Al-Mutawakel, Director General of the Amran District, Abdul Rahman Al-Emad, stressed the importance of implementing these relief projects and extending a helping hand to the poor and needy in a way that alleviates their suffering, especially in light of the current conditions that the country is going through.

He praised the role of the Yemen Red C
rescent in the governorate and the branch of the Supreme Council in responding and helping poor, needy and displaced families.

Ali al-Azab, director of the Red Crescent branch, said the aid comes within the activities of the protection, shelter, camp management and coordination project with the support of the UNHCR.

The aid includes mattresses, blankets, kitchen utensils and electric lamps targeting displaced and poorest families in the targeted districts in order to alleviate their suffering, he said, praising the support of the provincial leadership, the local authority and the Supreme Council in humanitarian work.

Source: Yemen News Agency